Authors Importer Addon Tutorial

Blogging becomes a common hobby in the youngsters. But most of them are not aware of the copyrights act. They generally use others content and pass as one’s own.

If you are using other’s content, it’s always good for SEO to provide the name of the real author on your content. Manually creating authors for each video you post using WPVR is bit time-consuming task.

So, to make this task easy we have built the Authors Importer. It is a premium add-on which allows WPVR to import the respected video authors automatically when you run the sources. It pulls not only the author name but also author bio and avatar picture.

The add-on comes with some cool features:

  1. Allows you to auto-import users for all videos you import using WPVR.
  2. Allows you to predefine a role for the imported users.
  3. Use a predefined user password or generate a random one.
  4. Download user avatar or not.

After you make a purchase download a ZIP file of the Authors Importer add-on. Upload and Install it as a plugin on your site. If you need help to install this WPVR add-on, here is a tutorial for that.

Once the add-on is installed and activated, you need to enable it.

To enable add-on go to WPVR Addons > Authors importer

Options :

After you enabled it, more setting options will appear in the same window. Check the screenshot below.

Video Services to Handle:

This option allows you to choose the services for which you want to import authors. You can either choose one service or all the services. By default, there are three services available i.e. YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion. Other video services will be available once you install and enable the add-ons for those services. Currently, we have five video services premium add-ons available on our store.

Post Types to apply on:

This add-on is triggered on each video import process. Now, if you want to import comments of some already imported videos, simply click this button.

Imported User Role:

This option allows you to predefine the user role for the imported authors. It has four user role options including author, editor, contributor,  subscriber. It’s advised to use contributor role for your imported authors.

Use defined user password:

We always recommend you to use strong passwords for users on the WordPress. This option allows you to do so, you can predefine your password for all the imported authors. If you think it’s not a good idea to use the same password for all authors, simply disable this option. Disabling this option will auto-generate new and unique password for the each imported author on your WordPress site.

Download user avatar:

This feature allows you to import author’s existing avatar to your WordPress site. That will be shown on author’s info box. Disabling this option will not import the author avatar for imported authors.

Import users enabled:

This feature allows you to enable authors importer on all default source. Also enabling this feature will allow you to import author on the manual video adding.

Override user avatar:

Enabling this feature will use a real avatar of the author on the author info box.

Note: If you want to enable authors importer feature on existing sources, you must enable it by editing that source.

Steps to Enable Authors Importer on existing sources

Go to Sources > All SourcesEDIT source you want to enable Authors Importer on.

Now Scroll down to Source Posting Options, here you can see the option Import Authors.

Choose Enabled from the dropdown and click on the SAVE SOURCE button

Now, whenever you run this source, it will auto-import Authors as well 🙂


The Authors Importer will show all the real info of the author on author info-box.

That’s it! WP Video Robot will import the respected video authors automatically when you run the sources.

If you need any help using WP Video Robot, don’t hesitate to create a new support ticket on the support forum.

Happy Video Importing!
The Team at WP Video Robot