Customizer Addon Tutorial

In this tutorial you will see how to use the add-on to automatically add arbitrary HTML before and/or after video player and/or video content.

If you need help to install the this add-on, here is a tutorial for that.

First of all, head to WPVR Addons > Customizer and click the ON/OFF button.

Let’s take a look at all the options available under each one of the add-on tabs.

1/ Options tab

  • Categories to apply on:
    You can limit the add-on actions only to the videos belonging to the selected categories. Leave blank for all categories.
  • Post Types to apply on:
    You can limit the add-on actions only to the videos having to the selected post types. Leave blank for all post types.
  • Video Services to apply on :
    You can limit the add-on actions only to the videos belonging to the selected video services. Leave blank for all video services.
  • Enable Customizer on RSS Feed :
    Choose whether to apply your Customizer actions on your imported videos RSS entries too.

2/ Video Player tab

  • Player Prefix :
    With this option enabled you can add custom html or graphics or text that will appear above each imported video player. You can even use shortcodes (like for Social Locker for example). Here is an example how to lock a video by adding opening tag of the social locker shortcode in Player Prefix and the the closing tag in the Player Suffix. After you added code click Save Options.
  • Player Suffix :
    With this option enabled  you can add custom html or graphics or text that will appear below each imported video player. You can even use shortcodes (like for Social Locker for example). Here is an example how to lock a video by adding opening tag of the social locker shortcode in Player Prefix and the the closing tag in the Player Suffix. After you added code click Save Options.
  • Don’t forget to click on SAVE VIDEO PLAYER  button to save the changes you’ve made

2/ Text Content tab

  • Replace Links:
    Turn this option on, to remove or replace any found link (like LINK ) in the video text content by the HTML you’ve defined. Very useful to stop your visitors from leaving your site.
  • Replace URLs:
    Turn this option on, to remove or replace any found URL ( like ) in the video text content by the HTML you’ve defined. Very useful to stop your visitors from leaving your site.
  • Replace Iframes:
    Turn this option on, to remove or replace any found iframe in the video text content by the HTML you’ve defined. Very useful to prevent external iframe content from showing up on your site.
  • Content Prefix:
    With this option enabled you can add custom html or graphics or text that will appear above each imported video text content. You can even use shortcodes (like for Social Locker for example).
  • Content Suffix:
    With this option enabled you can add custom html or graphics or text that will appear below each imported video text content. You can even use shortcodes (like for Social Locker for example).
  • Don’t forget to click on SAVE TEXT CONTENT button to save the changes you’ve made.

That’s it ! WP Video Robot Customizer is ready to work.

If you need any help using WP Video Robot, don’t hesitate to create a new support ticket on the support forum.

Happy Video Importing!
The Team at WP Video Robot