Monetizer Add-on Tutorial

Start to monetize your automated blog right now. Just follow this tutorial to use the add-on.

If you need help to install the this add-on, here is a tutorial for that.

Head to WPVR Add-ons > Monetizer and enable the add-on by clicking ON/OFF button.

1/ Options Tab:

  • Categories to apply on:
    You can limit the add-on actions only to the videos belonging to the selected categories. Leave blank for all categories.
  • Post Types to apply on:
    You can limit the add-on actions only to the videos having to the selected post types. Leave blank for all post types.
  • Video Services to apply on :
    You can limit the add-on actions only to the videos belonging to the selected video services. Leave blank for all video services.
  • Don’t forget to click on SAVE OPTIONS to save the changes you’ve made.

1/ Interaction Tab:

  • Enable Close Button:
    Choose if you want to show up a close button on top of your advertisement.
  • Countdown Enabled:
    You can choose whether to automatically hide your ads overlay after a certain delay, and unlock the video player.
  • Hide after delay:
    Enable this to automatically hide the Monetizer overlay after the defined wait delay.
  • Autoplay after delay:
    Enable this to automatically start playing the video after the defined wait delay.
  • Wait Delay:
    This parameter is the number of seconds to wait before unlocking the video.
  • Waiting message :
    You can define here the text message that will appear while your visitors are waiting.
  • Start Watching Button Text :
    You can define here the label of the button ‘Start Watching Button’ that appears automatically after waiting.
  • Don’t forget to click on SAVE INTERACTION to save the changes you’ve made.

3/ Content Tab:

  • Content To Show :
    You can select here what type of advertisement to show up : Google Adsense or some Custom HTML code (message, images, JS code …).You must then define each proper content of Google Adsense Code and/or Custom HTML.
  • Don’t forget to click on SAVE ADS CONTENT to save the changes you’ve made.

4/ Injection Tab:

  • Inject Monetizer Overlay:
    You can enable this to use jQuery to inject both of Monetizer overlay and content, right into any HTML element on the single video page.
    This is useful if you are not using the WP Video Robot player and cannot edit your theme template files.
  • Inject Targets:
    Comma-separated CSS selectors of the single video template page.
  • Don’t forget to click on SAVE ADS INJECTIONS to save the changes you’ve made.

You’re done ! Click Save Options button.

Here is an example of how your advertismnet would look like with some custom content.

If you need any help using WP Video Robot, don’t hesitate to create a new support ticket on the support forum.

Happy Video Importing!
The Team at WP Video Robot