In this tutorial, we will focus on setting up CRON on free or paid third party services, in order to get WP Video Robot to run automatically.
If you do not want to configure anything, we have created a start/stop solution called WPVR Autopilot that automatically configures the automation of WP Video Robot.
Before to start, you have also other methods to configure the WP Video Robot automation : You can set up the cron on your cPanel dashboard or on a Third Party Service.
Please keep in mind, that for independence and performance concerns, it is always recommended to use your own cron job service.
That tutorial is for website owners that don’t have access to cron jobs on their hosting service. We’ll show how to configure distant cron calls to make WP Video Robot automation works.
You can find several free or paid cron services on the internet. That being said, we recommend using and this tutorial is covering the set up on
To get it works just follow these easy step:
1. First of all, we need to turn on the Autorun Mode under WP Video Robot Options > Automation.
2. Copy the CRON URL of your WordPress installation. In the screnshot example, that CRON UR would be :
3. Visit the website and create an account by clicking the Sign up button on navigation menu.
4. Fill the registration form and click Create a free account. You’ll be redirected then to your dashboard.
5. Click on Cronjobs on your navigation menu. Now click on Create Cronjob button on top right of your screen.
6. Fill the form like described below
IMPORTANT : Even if you receive some email notifications saying that the run failed, the plugin works properly still.
If you want to check if the automation of WP Video Robot is working properly, visit the plugin Activity Logs or the Automation Dashboard.
If you need any help using WP Video Robot, don’t hesitate to create a new support ticket on the support forum.
Happy Video Importing!
The Team at WP Video Robot