Once enabled, this add-on will add a new custom widget that can be used on any of your WP Sidebars. It allows you to render a list of your imported videos, matching the criteria you’ve defined on the widget configuration screen.
You can define how the widget element will look like, using the easy Widget Content user interface. Moreover, you can specify through a long list of options, the criteria your videos should match.
If you need help to install the this add-on, here is a tutorial for that.
1/ First of all, head to WPVR Add-ons > Video Widgets and enable the add-on in order to use it.
2/ Under the WordPress Widgets screen, drag the newly created ‘#WPVR Video Widget’ widget to the sidebar of you choice. Click on the ‘Configure Widget’ button inside of it. A popup with options will show up.
3/ You can define the way your widget element will look, through the Widget Content tab :
- Enable Widget Title:
You can choose whether to show or hide the widget title. - Widget Title :
You can enter here your custom widget title. - Enable Video Thumbnail :
You can choose whether to show or hide the video thumbnail. - Enable Video Title :
You can choose whether to show or hide the video title below the video thumbnail. - Enable Video Excerpt :
You can choose whether to show or hide the video excerpt below the video title and video thumbnail. - Enable Video Duration :
You can choose whether to show or hide the video duration on the bottom right corner of the video thumbnail. - Enable Video Views :
You can choose whether to show or hide the video views count on the bottom left corner of the video thumbnail. - Enable Read More Link :
You can choose whether to show or hide a read more link below the video excerpt. - Enable Play Icon :
You can choose whether to show or hide a big play icon on the center of the video thumbnail.
4/ You can define the criteria to select the imported videos that should show up on your widget element, through the Widget Query tab :
- Videos Count :
Choose how many videos to show on the widget element. - Video Categories :
Pick one or more categories to pull videos from. Leave blank for all categories. - Authors :
Pick one or more authors to filter pulled videos. Leave blank for all authors. - Post types :
Pick one or more custom post type, if you want to include other videos or posts. Leave blank for all custom post types. - Tags :
Pick one or more tags to filter pulled videos. Leave blank for all tags. - Order :
Select an ordering direction. ASC for Ascending and DESC for descending. - Order By :
Select how to sort the retrieved videos. - Current Post Related :
When your widget is shown on a single video page, you can choose to show only related videos by tags or by categories.
5/ Finally, here are two example of how the widget should look like.
That’s it ! WPVR Video Widget is ready to rock!
If you need any help using WP Video Robot, don’t hesitate to create a new support ticket on the support forum.
Happy Video Importing!
The Team at WP Video Robot